Kris Kuksi

Jaw-droppingly insane detailed sculptures by Kris Kuksi. Beware, this is an intensely engrossing, time-sapping site. This one's for you, Omar.


  1. How cool. I am def spending too much time...

  2. I have gone thoroughly from your Blog and really liked your art of definition and this one is really called a hard work.

  3. Cool, and amazing artworks.I am an artist also and so i know how difficult it is to come out with a very intricate art! more power

  4. As you said these sculpture are totally amazing!
    I've been looking for art blogs over the web and I found yours. First of all, congratulation for the blog 3 years anniversary. I'm sure it is not as simple to find good and interesting articles to post on a blog as to get people's attention and retain them.
    I'm a Mass Communication student, doing my degree at Mauritius and this is my last semester. This semester, for my Net Studies module we have learnt how to create a web presence, as you have creted 3 years ago, and the more important how to retain viewers' attention, as you have succeed as while looking for art blogs you have been ranked between the best ones. This is the purpose of my comment today, to say that you did a good job, giving the people what they wanted and keeping this interaction between you and them.
    Then, concerning the post itslef, as it is another purpose of my comment, I'm totally inspired by this so detailed sculpture. I'm passionate by art and particularly I draw portraits but I'm so interested in sculpture, potery and ceramics, as each little detail give the final work another aspect and a perfect look. Concerning the sculpture in the picture, it is amazing how this artist succeeded to do all the details as it is such a sculpture but with lots of tiny details all over it.
    I've recently been to Sydney and I went to a Art Gallery for the first time of my life. I was so amazed and touched by all the art stuffs around me. It was like in another world, I couldn't imagine it this way and I was so happy to be abl to live this. In my country the art field is not popular and there are not much to visit and to talk about. And as I'm passionated by art, it was a beautiful moment of my life :)
    I hope one day to be able to create such wonderful art works.
    You can visit my website on the link or follow me on Twitter (ElodieCharoux).
    Continue your blog for other years, I hope for you.


  5. Pretty awsome images.


  6. This is absolutely amazing, I'm surprised my mind hasn't combusted with just the sight of it. Even though sculpture isn't my medium, I can appreciate all the work and detail that went into each of these pieces.

    Thanks for sharing! Your blog is really inspiring and I'm so glad to have found it!

  7. your blog is so amazing i love all the things you have put on it i have spent all day getting loads of inspiration from this blog
    I would be grateful if you could check out my blog.

  8. Wow, this is just amazing art! I cannot stop looking at the photo's, they are so full of details and so inspiring. Great ART!

  9. These are AMAZING. I can't wait to go check out his site. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Wow! These are totally insane but amazing! The detail that has gone into each of the sculptures is so fascinating, breath-taking. There is so much going on I would need to sit and stare at it for some time. Every detail has been attended to, on picture 9 of 10, the person picking up the decapitated head, so detailed and accurate, even though it isn’t the most pleasant image it is beautiful. I am so curious to how the artist did the sculptures and am so interested in them. I just cannot get over how amazing the detail is. It looks almost like a stone or clay for the medium. The little touches of color, are just perfect too.

  11. Love the detail, could look at this for hours!
    Brooklyn artist blog

  12. These are actually assemblage of old objects. Regardless, still a great work.

  13. Ahhh... Kuksi! Always mind-numbingly inspiring.

  14. Wow, amazing sculpture work. I love work with such intricate detail. Absolutely stunning.
