A Change For The Better

As you may or may not know, The Best Part is celebrating its 3rd anniversary of finding and publishing the best of art + design on the web. It's been an amazing experience, I've met or spoken to some of the most incredible artists in the world and learned a ton in the process. The numbers continue to grow, and my readers have been incredibly loyal. You guys really are a testament to how far this blog has come in the last three years. If you have any doubts of the intelligence of the blogosphere and its readers, simply go through my Twitter followers' list sometime and you'll see what I mean. From artists to designers to illustrators, photographers, creative directors and musicians, my readers are the very people I feature here every day.

It has also been a ton of work, however, and I'm reaching a point where it's time to focus more of my time and attention on creating prints and doing some work of my own. With that said, The Best Part will no longer exist in its current state. While the Blogger platform makes things fairly simple, I'm still spending hours every day finding, editing and publishing links when my focus should really be on creating prints. Which is why I'll be shifting more content to TBP's Facebook and Twitter accounts, allowing me to continue to share the great work I find daily online without the work and pressure of the daily blog. I will also continue to occasionally post to TBPTV, my online library of video content related to all things creative and inspirational. This blog and its archives will remain online as a resource for anyone who might want to find information on the artists featured here over the years.

So with my last post on this iteration of The Best Part, I'd once again like to say thank you to my readers for three years of continued support and to all the artists who have been featured here; keep up the great work! I'll see you on Facebook and Twitter!


  1. Thanks Christopher! You'll still be able to find the same content on my Facebook and Twitter pages, it just won't be as pretty as it was here. Thanks for reading though, and hopefully I'll see you there!


  2. Im a big fan my friend, seeing this in my RSS was a days high point. Good luck with the new prints and we'll catch you on FB and the tweet box.

  3. No way, this is hands down the best blog for design and art. You always find great work. Good luck with your endeavors on personal work!

  4. Does this have anything to do with judgment day on May 21st? You should have waited until then.

    You will be missed my son.

    Omar, the all-seeing

  5. Man... Looks like i'll need to get around to finally getting on Facebook! Still no better reason I suppose. Been following for the pas year. Checking in weekly and finding great people, sites and work to bookmark. You will be missed.

  6. Congratulations Jason! Here's to the next 3 years (and many more)!

  7. Thanks, Jason, for the awesome work on this blog. Looking forward to its evolution, especially on Twitter. I enjoy your discoveries of creativity. Wish you continued success on this change and your related activities.

  8. thank you for all the inspiration! greetings from germany.

  9. Thank you!
    You have a wonderful taste in art and design and have provided an amazing amount of inspiration for me as a designer. All the best with your work (which I love) and see you on twitter!

  10. definitely keep the 'blogging' up to some degree... i enjoy it moreso than any Orlando based art/design blogs... and rank it quite high of any from anywhere... ill switch over to following you on Twitter.


  11. i'll miss TBP but here's to the future, homie!

  12. thanks for all your great work

  13. thank you so much for this time, real inspiration source this.
    take care and print a lot

  14. Thank you for all the hard work. I'll see you on Facebook and Twitter!! Looking forward to seeing some of your work!!

  15. thank you for all the inspiration

  16. Thanks so much for a wonderful three years of inspiration!

    I hope you enjoy spending more time on your own work, Thanks and good luck

    Stacie x

  17. Congratulations! You have such a great ideas!

  18. Sad to hear its the end, excellent blog. will you be doing a final best bits post, your favourite five posts over the years!
    Thanks again. Vinny. Ireland.

  19. Thanks so much for all the great work!... I drawn so much inspiration from this blog!

  20. There is so many inspiration to find in your work!

  21. Fantastic site, keep up the good work!
    Jon - www.artfist.org

  22. Oh goodness, I read this with a very heavy heart. How do we know when we draw the line to focus on what makes us happy and fulfilled? Sometimes I feel like I should just quit, that it won't pay off. Today I got a letter from my health plan that it's going up to a rate I can't afford. How can I pay it when I only sell a piece every few months?

  23. AC,
    If you're doing what you love then you're already successful! Sometimes you just have to go for it whether you're financially secure or not. Fear and the quest for "safety" is the thing that tries to keep us from living our lives without regrets. If you really love what you do, then you won't mind the extra work and time it takes to convince everyone else that they should pay you for it. Good luck!

  24. Man! I guess I a little late. I just found your awesome blog and now it's gone! Good luck!

    website design CT
