New Large-Format Prints

You might have noticed that it's been a while since my last round of shilling prints, but never fear, I'll always be here to endlessly promote my own wares!

My newest series is an attempt to do something completely removed from my normal comfort zone, pairing photography with digital manipulation and large-format printing to achieve dramatic prints both in concept and scale. Each is printed on a Canon plotter with heavyweight matte coated paper, allowing huge prints to be created at a relatively inexpensive cost.

The first four prints are now available in the TBP shop, with many more soon on their way. Thanks for enduring yet another sales pitch, and for being the best readers on the web!


Anonymous said...

Will these be available to buy at BandWagon in Savannah?

The Best Part said...

Yes, I think I'll be bringing a small sampling of everything in my shop. See you there, Anonymous!

Sherry said...

Realy nice prints!!

Unknown said...

Just ordered the Moon Dance print. It is absolutely amazing!