Free Ai Weiwei

On April 3, prominent and controversial Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was stopped at Beijing Airport and detained by police. A statement has been issued by the state-run Global Times Newspaper that "Ai Weiwei has no respect for the laws of his country, and he is on the verge of pushing the limits of legal tolerance. For this, Ai Weiwei's behaviour will be evaluated and he will pay a price for his actions".

The artist is best known for his political activism revolving around the earthquake that hit china's Sichuan Province in 2008. Since then he has faced physical abuse from authorities, his new studio was recently demolished and his name and work has been censored throughout China among other things.

As artists, art lovers and generally logical human beings, we need to be aware of the conditions in which many artists and activists of the world live. Oppressive politics not only in China but the Middle East, South America and even Europe and North America see individual expression as a threat to unquestioned power, and therefore must be met with resistance from all rational people. Sign the petition to free Ai Weiwei today.
Via DesignBoom.

1 comment:

  1. When artists leave the safety of aesthetics, ideas can be powerful weapons....
