Food Truck Bazaar

This one's strictly for my O-town's Food Truck Bazaar is just what it sounds like: a get-together of several of our best food trucks in one place (Tuesday, March 29 at Discovery Church, 4400 S. Orange Ave. 7-10pm). I, for one, have been waiting for something like this for a very long time, so I created this print to celebrate the occasion. It's a four color 12"x18" screen print, inked by the guys at Mama's Sauce in a limited edition of 50, which will be available to purchase at the Food Truck Bazaar. Any prints not sold at the Bazaar will be available in my shop at The plan is to create a different truck print for each meeting of the Food Truck Bazaar, so start your collection with the first one. See you at the Bazaar!

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