Ben Wolf's Dormer House

This amazing installation/sculpture is the result of Brooklyn artist Ben Wolf visiting Detroit and unleashing his creative powers on the surrounding abandonment, collecting dormers from houses on the demolition list and attaching them to another to create an "architectural collage". Via The Post Family.

Neighborhood Studio

Brilliant posters from the Neighborhood Studio illustrating some of the more beloved songs of the 80's. Can you decipher what songs are represented here?

Poster of the Day

This week's Posters of the Day are brought to you by the wonderful + talented Doublenaut.

Yulia Brodskaya

Sadly there are only photos of this one piece so far, but Yulia Brodskaya is hard at work taking paper sculpture to the next level with her new "quilling" technique. Incredible.

The Cluny House

Guz Architects' Cluny House in Singapore may be the most incredible home I've ever laid eyes on. Not only is it extremely sustainable; with EIB systems, photovoltaic cells, solar water heaters, irrigation tanks, roof gardens, recycled teak and artificial timber; it all surrounds a stunning central water court with phenomenally lush landscaping.

James Jean Studio Visit

Take a rare look inside the studio of James Jean as he prepares for his upcoming exhibition (two years in the making!) "Rebus" at Martha Otero on March 12. Via OMG Posters!

Poster of the Day

The Cycle Sign

This is the epitome of great design; it's simple, it's useful and it's sustainable. What more could you ask for? The Cycle Sign by Trent Jansen is a bicycle reflector made from reused road signs and bicycle tubes. Genius! Available in the Designboom online shop.

Yoshimasa Tsuchiya

Just as yesterday turned out to be a day of photography here on TBP, today has become a day of people who make objects of some kind, starting off with the wooden sculptures of Yoshimasa Tsuchiya.

Alicja Kwade

Loving the work of Berlin artist Alicja Kwade, especially this pile of 1,000 pulverized champagne bottles. Via Booooooom!

Poster of the Day

Silvia Levenson

Conceptual glass pieces by Silvia Levenson "convey messages linked to our pursuit of happiness and the home in which we cocoon ourselves". Via MoCo Loco.

Peter Orntoft

Infographics in context by Peter Orntoft. Genius! Via The Fox is Black.

Status Serigraph

The wonderful & amazing Status Serigraph (aka Justin Helton) will be releasing a ton of concert posters at a random time today, keep an eye out and maybe you'll be lucky enough to get your hands on one! Via OMG Posters.