Reversing the fastfoodification of photography

The Day 19 Polaroid Project is something really special, but I'll leave it's explanation to its' founders:

"The subjects, a cross-section of artists, writers, performers and activists, were photographed using a large format camera, which requires the subjects freeze their expressions for around 20 seconds per image. In the era of digital point-and-shoots and phone cameras, the Portrait Project takes a comparatively slow, almost lumbering approach, one that forces the subject to re-engage. There is no hair or makeup, and no special lighting, and the result is a collection of raw, unpretentious portraits reminiscent of Depression-era Farm Security Administration photography.
Each subject had their picture taken twice - once by Jeremy Weiss and once by Claire Weiss. There are no re-shoots, no second chances, no re-touchings."

Thanks to Keith for the link.

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